On climate resilience.

EP 01 Introduction
EP 02The Climatebender
EP 03The 4 Climate Risks
EP 04The Next Atlantis
EP 05Climate Projections & Barrages
EP 06Innovative Climate Solutions
EP 07Nature-Based Solutions


Co-authored with professionals on climate resilience.

An article on closing data gaps for sustinable development and climate action by me and Adilah Ahmad Khalis, Sustinability Support at COMO Lifestyle and Associate Faculty (Sustainability) for SUSS. (23 OCT 24)

An article on practical considerations for adaptation pathways in Singapore by me and ShanShan Wang, Water Business Lead for Singapore Indonesia and Malaysia, Arup. (12 AUG 24)

An article on flood modelling with climate change in Singapore by me and Ryan Liang Inland Modeller, Royal HaskoningDHV Singapore. (02 MAY 24)

An article on Dubai floods and the wider climate crisis in Southeast Asia by me and Yap Fung, Senior Climate Risk and Resilience Consultant, Arup Singapore. (02 MAY 24)

An article on the future for decarbonisation in Singapore by me and Noor Hisyamuddin, Infrastructure Advisory Consultant, KPMG Singapore. (25 APR 24)

An article on the failure in climate finance for adaptation and how we turn it into an opportunity by me and Putra Dwitama, National Climate Adaptation Specialist from ADB, Indonesia. (13 NOV 2023)

An article on the trends of ESG and climate financing by myself and Matthias Ong, APAC Climate Lead from Moody's Corporate in Singapore. (20 NOV 2022)

An article on the what digital water looks like in Singapore by myself and Nasrine Tomasi, Technical Director for Smart Water from New Zealand. (20 JUN 2022)

An article on delivering positive social outcomes with flood resiliency in Bangkok by myself and Richard Wood, Social Outcomes East Asia Practice Lead, Japan. (04 OCT 2022)

An article on adapting to climate change with Decision Support Systems for flood resilience in Asia by myself and Dr Suresh Babu Parasuraman, Director of Kalingu Consultancy, Singapore. (20 JUL 2022)

An article on how do we deliver net-zero water infrastructure by me and Jonny Breen, Principal Digital Consultant from Auckland, New Zealand. (09 MAY 2023)

An article on good practices for flood emergency response in England. Co-authored with Sophie Dusting, Senior Resilience Advisor, UK. (30 MAY 2022)

An article on adaptation pathways to build climate resilience against sea level rise in London. Co-authored with Liesl Keam Principal Climate Resilience Consultant, UK. (23 MAY 2022)

An article on transitioning towards water-sensitive cities in Asia. Co-authored with Nanco Dolman, Water Resilient Cities Lead Expert, Deltares, Netherlands. (18 APR 2022)

An article on tackling the limitations of IOT sensors in digital twins using soft sensors by myself and Evan Harwin, Data Scientist from Moata Data Science team in the UK. (04 NOV 2022)

An article by Global Ehsan Relief about my journey, personal inspiration, and future plans for The Climatebender in delivering humanitarian relief to those in need. (27 JUL 2022)

An article on business opportunities in tech enabled water resiliency for SMEs in Singapore. Co-authored with Tim Rockell and Derek Murray, both committee members from the British Chamber of Commerce of Singapore. (28 APR 2022)

In 2022, The Climatebender crowdfunded to deliver clean drinking water to refugees from Ukraine, Myanmar, Yemen and Gaza. We deliver free milk tea or coffee to those who contribute generously. (22 MAR 2022)

An article on building flood resilience in Indonesia. Co-authored with Ainul Firdatun Nisaa, a water resource lecturer and researcher in Indonesia. She holds a MSc in Water Resources Engineering and Management from University of Stuttgart, Germany. (07 MAR 2022)

An article on source control measures to hold back flash floods in Singapore. Co-authored with Yen Nie Ng, a senior hydraulic Engineer with 11 years of experience in water resources . (28 FEB 2022)

An article on cybersecurity resilience for water systems in Singapore. Co-authored with Jeffnilham Jamaludin, a systems engineer at Cyber Security Agency of Singapore. (21 FEB 2022)

An article on turning industrial wastewater from a liability to an asset in Singapore. Co-authored with Brandon Lee, a research and development engineer at Kurita R&D Asia, who previously worked in Sembcorp-NUS corporate laboratories. (15 FEB 2022)

An article on valuing water in Singapore. Co-authored with Yingshan Lau, Phd candidate at NUS Department of Geography. Oxford Msc Nature, Society and Environmental Policy. (07 FEB 2022)

An article on driving coastal and inland flood resilience through digital in Singapore. Co-authored with Andre Soh, civil and structural engineer with 18 years of design experience in the built environment and climate resiliency for Singapore and the Asia region. (24 JAN 2022)

An article on tackling water scarcity in rural areas and in times of calamity. Co-authored with Bashir Ahmad, CEO of LiquidNex, a water and wastewater treatment and recycling technology specialist. (18 JAN 2022)

An article on flood resilience of Singapore's rail transport system in the future. Co-authored with Vincent Wee, a Civil Engineer who have worked on flood resiliency and drainage works. (12 JAN 2022)

An article on what you should do before and during flash floods in Singapore. Co-authored with Hui Lim Tan, a Senior Hydraulic Engineer with 7 years experience in stormwater management. (24 NOV 2021)

A reflective piece for my crowdfunding project (01 OCT 2021)

©2021 The Climatebender